Welcome to Kaliandra

House Of Kaliandra is a social enterprise set up in 1997 in East Java, Indonesia. Kaliandra is working with local communities to improve their standard of living.


Promote Javanese Culture



“To promote & preserve the rich Javanese culture"

  • The Javanese culture promotes balance, congeniality, and harmony between humans and nature
  • The Foundation operates various programs that aim to conserve and strenghten local culture and believes

To actualize the mission above, Kaliandra implements several programs including:

  • Kaliandra holds the “Grebeg Suro“ festival every year, because for the Javanese, the month of Suro is a special month. Apart from being the start of the new year & first month in the Javanese calendar, it is also considered a very sacred month. In general, to welcome the coming of this month, the Javanese will hold various forms of rituals, ceremonies and celebration. They wish for blessing in their lives and aversion from various plagues. Javanese look at SURO as a period of concern for human life and a gateway for renewal.
  • Supports the formation of the "Dono Wareh Group" (comprising village elders & youths), which facilitates the discussion of Javanese traditional wisdom, investigates the teachings of Java such as behavior, traditional language, calculation or Javanese Calendar, ordinances and other cultural heritage.
  • Facilitate training in traditional arts such as Javanese traditional dance, gamelan (traditional Javanese musical instruments) for school children; who are not only practicing but have often performed in front of guest of the Kaliandra Foundation and Eco Resort.
  • Supports the ritual for "Thanks Giving for Water Sources" in Jatiarjo and Dayurejo villages, to thank god for the abundant crops and water supply that continue to flow.
  • Promotion of “Human Puppet” show which is similar to the traditional Shadow Puppet, but it is performed by humans; not puppets. The “Wayang Orang” show has been forgotten by many of the young people, and Kaliandra is making effort to revive interest for the this show. Two shows have been put up, and about 80% of the casts are Kaliandra Staff.
  • The formation of traditional music group called "Karawitan" that fully consisst of Kaliandra staff. The Group has performed many times for guests and also in the French Cultural Center, CCCL Surabaya.
  • Keeping the recipes and heritage of traditional foods, snacks, herbal drinks and remedies, so they will not become extinct.
  • No preservatives or additives are used; using natural ingredients that exist around us, such as cassava, yam, taro, various herbs, spices etc.